Reconnect your mind and body. Find yourself. Find community.
Current services
Acupuncture is a medical modality tracing its original principles to ancient China about 4000 years ago. It involves the strategic and painless insertion of needles at specific body locations to cultivate the body’s own ability to heal itself.
Alleviates pain
Treats long Covid
Improves organ function
Helps recovery from viral infections
Enhances emotional well bein
Improves migraines
Integrative Medicine Consultations involve a thorough history and physical examination taking inventory of all aspects of your health from the physical to the mental as well as detailing aspect of both social and family history. Through this detailed evaluation of a person’s health including their health goals, Dr. Sekhar can recommend a comprehensive path towards achieving them. Additionally, as a physician with board certifications in internal medicine, hematology, and oncology, and medical acupuncture, Dr. Sekhar is also available to provide second opinions regarding a wide array of medical issues.
Offering personal and professional coaching for individuals, groups, and teams.
Offering personal and professional coaching for individuals with ADHD or other executive dysfunction.
Offering coaching in a group setting of no more than 8 people on a topics, such as menopause, ADHD, disability identity.
Mindfulness training is a practice that allows a person to better "surf the up and down waves of life" both with respect to the physical experience but also with respect to the emotional stresses. Given that any physical experience has an emotional component and every emotional experience has a physical component, mindfulness training is an excellent therapeutic strategy for managing pain, chronic illnesses, stress, and anxiety. Studies have also demonstrated improvements in athletic and academic performance.